Energy for the


The popularity of on-site off-grid renewable energy generation is growing among businesses generating their own energy.

Is it a revolution or a response? 

Previously it was more about the green profile marketing story or annual report for companies to stick a wind turbine on the field or in the car park or a solar panel on the roof. It looked good to be green but added to costs rather than lowered them. But as more businesses are choosing to invest in on-site renewable energy than ever before, the reasons are changing. 

Increased electricity costs and market vulnerability have made many businesses look at ways to harvest free electricity. More and more have been investing in energy efficiency, and they’ve gained the returns of being more efficient. They want to generate as much renewable energy to meet their needs, to decouple themselves from the risks of escalating fuel prices and price volatility.” 

Driven by a need to operate more cleanly and enabled by increasingly accessible renewable energy technologies, many companies are now pursuing their energy independence. 

An off-grid operation system often supplies their power by investing in renewable energy, such as wind power and solar panels, the difference from a grid-connected system being the energy storage system (battery and inverter). 

Let´s not forget the sustainability, battery energy storage is a win-win. It has no direct emissions. It’s energy efficient. It recycles electricity. 



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